Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oswego, or is it "Os-we-no-go" ... still closed ...

The news today: The Locks will upon on Monday...the Marina is getting full with boats and some tie up on the wall, waiting for the locks to open!

Nothing to do, we off to Walmart, try to get a new phone so we can use it without worry of roaming..

The galley was busy these days, look some of the meals were prepared:


Beef Stir Fried and black beans sauce

Ed decided to go home tomorrow, so we had a farewell dinner at Water Street Cafe

The entrees is OK but the dessert....oh my..

You can't miss this one..Carrot Cake

PS: The Captain was busy this afternoon changing oil and transmission fluid.


  1. That new phone seems to come in many parts, many bags ....and a that BEER??!!!

  2. P.S. Where did you find your 5 star on board chef??

  3. Nora, how many times he has to change the oil during this journey?
    I thought the diesel Engine is more durable?
    Hope you guys are able to go soon...
